So, Fame is over! It's kinda crazy! I am not going to know what to do with my time! This weekends' shows were great! Last night's was AMAZING. The house was packed and our energy was sky high. I was happy about that because my mum and brother were in the audience. As well as Chris's mother and my really good friend, Brian, from high school. It was great! I met some fabulous people and it was so much fun. :) The pictures are of us striking (tearing apart) the set and then of the cast eating pizza after. So fun! Alright, Alyssa and I are watching a movie! Later, gators!
3 shows down, 3 to go! Last night's show was especially exciting because I had many people in the audience there to see me. My dad, step-mother, Uncle, Aunt, Aunt's significant other, and grandfather all came to see it as well as 3 friends from school--Cory, Dan, and Kate. The picture is from Friendly's after. We got the "Giant Crowd Pleaser" ice cream, which is 12 scoops of different kinds of ice cream and tons of toppings. It was scrumptious.
It's going to be weird to not have any rehearsals until Thursday! I'm not going to know what to do with myself. Actually, I have a Mixed Nuts (a capella group) audition on Tuesday and then Figaro rehearsals start on Wednesday. Yes, I got intoThe Marriage of Figaro,the full staged opera they are doing here. I am just in the female chorus, but that's still pretty cool. :) And everyone should come see it!
Alright, I have some theory homework to do. Until next time...later, gators!
Well, there's me and David De Silva (Father Fame), the creator of the hit movie, musical, and TV show FAME. Tonight was OPENING NIGHT of Fame Forever!! It went really well. We had a FULL HOUSE. SO that was definitely fun. And for the most part, everything went really smoothly and I think that Mr. De Silva was impressed with the show that we presented for him. After the show the cast went to Steve's Restaurant (where that photo was taken) and just hung around and had fun. I hope that you all will come and see the show. It's definitely an honor and a privilege to be a part of musical theatre history like this. :) Here are some more photos from the evening:
So anyways...on a completely unrelated note, I definitely called in a possible drunk driver on the interstate tonight on the way back to campus. They were swerving all over the place. I felt as if I did the community a nice service. Okay, too late to be up! Later, gators!
Hey guys! friends and I are crazy and so I thought I'd give you a taste of how we spent our Saturday night. Obviously making infomercials........ ENJOY!
Hey everyone! I thought I'd test out a video blog! Pretty neat, right? So, I'll give you guys a little update on my week. Monday was Labor Day and so there was no classes. I did, however, have rehearsal that night until 9 so I was in Waterville until 9 and then didn't get back to Orono until arouuuund...10:15. Then I went to bed so I would be fresh in the morning for my first day of classes as a vocal music education major! Tuesday I had music theory at 8am with Karel (pronounced Carl) Lidral. I am excited to learn more about music theory, but he's a bit monotone and it's at 8 in the a basement room with no windows. Oy. After music theory I had Music Lit Lab, which I find to be an odd class. It's all about how to research for musical topics. And we only have to go on Tuesdays, Thursdays are optional lab days. Optional= Sarah is not going unless she is in dire need. After that I had Principles of Singing. It's a class completely about diction while singing in different languages. We're also learning the international phonetic alphabet, which is pretty neat! And my professor, Nancy Ogle, really really seems to know what she is talking about. And finally to end the day on Tuesday I had collegiate chorale. Easy A. THEN I had rehearsal for an hour in Alyssa and I literally drove an hour and 15 mins so we could stay for an hour and then we drove an hour and 15 minutes back. Wednesday morning I had the Art of Listening to Music: A Historical Survey at 10am. It's pretty run-o-the-mill music history class. After that I had Piano class, I love my piano professor. She's so cool and I am sooo excited to start learning piano!! After that I had Ear Training and Sight Singing, I really need to work on my sight singing so that's pretty cool that there's a class about it. Then I had a music major meeting and eventually Alyssa and I went to a sing-through of the Marriage of Figaro. UMaine is doing a fully staged production of the opera in February, and it's a biiiig deal. So, I believe I am auditioning next week at some point. Because I am not over my head already or anything...that's alright, I love being busy. After the sing-through we went to dinner at a friend, Jesse's, apartment. It was really fun. Thursday I had the same classes I had on Tuesday and then I had my University Singers audition. I think I did pretty well! I did my best anyway and I am keeping my hopes up!! So keep your fingers crossed for me. I find out on Monday. Theennnnnn I had rehearsal again and we didn't get back until like 11. Yesterday I had my music history class, then a just friday class called Majoring In Music and then I had my private voice lesson. That went really well. I really like my voice teacher and I think I am going to learn a lot from her. It's kind of neat because it's like all the same kids in all my classes so I am getting pretty close with a few of them because we see each other....all the time all day long! Oh and then last night we had a lovely little adventure. Alyssa and I decided we were going to go over to Jesse's for a movie night and so we're ready to go and Alyssa realizes she can't find her car keys...anywhere. We like tore the room apart and found them nowhere in sight. The last time she had had them was the night before when we got back from rehearsal. So, we decided we were going to re-trace our steps and we found the ignition of her car. Did I mention the car was locked? SO we called public safety and they sent over 2 officers who got into the car but then Alyssa didn't have her license so she had to run back to the room while I stood there and chatted with the cops for 10 minutes...about Chuck Norris and FAME. It was quite the ordeal. So anyways eventually we got to Jesse's and watched a bit of "Thank You For Smoking" but we were so tired and so we headed back. We're finishing the movie now. It's pretty good for those who haven't seen it. I think we might go to the BRAND SPANKIN' NEW AMAZING gym to do a little bit of working out. It's so far away we might drive. hahaha. Alright, this has been long enough. More later! Later, gators!!!
Well, I moved into my dorm this afternoon and I am really excited. As most of you know, Chris and I ended our 2 year relationship a week ago. It's been a really tough week, and though I have my ups and downs, being here at school with Alyssa has really helped me! Plus Chris and I were best friends on top of dating so I know that eventually our friendship will continue to flourish. And I have nothing but wonderful memories of a great 2 years. But anyways....enough of that sad business! On to happy things. I am really excited to have a fresh start this year. To be on my own. To focus on me. So, yeah. I guess I am just trying to keep my head up and stay positive. The pictures are of me and Alyssa's dorm. It's amazing!!! We have probably the sweetest set up...ever. The first one is of Alyssa and I with mustaches...cuz that's how we roll. Then it's our desks and TV's, mine is the one on the right. After that is our dressers and refrigerator. THENNN it's our fold out chair/bed and Alyssa playing the piano. THENNN it's our beds. Mine's on top! Pretty cool, eh!? Alright, gotta go. Later, gators!