Last night was opening night of "The Marriage of Figaro"!! And it went splendidly! That picture is the actual poster from our show...I don't really get it...but whatevs. So, anywho...it went so well. The audience LOVED it, which is saying a lot considering it's a 3-hour opera.
I was happy to just be in it at all. I woke up at around 4am yesterday morning and started throwing up...but by 6 I was feeling better and I spent the day resting. I was fine by the evening and was able to do the show. I don't know what was wrong with
me...something I ate or something. I hope everyone comes to see it, it's definitely a show worth seeing. Gotta run. Later, gators!
PS- Here are some back stage photos:
*Molly & I* (Note how AWESOME our costumes are)

*Me booty dancing on Alyssa* (I took this photo so that people would understand the hugeness of my ass in my costume...under my skirt is something called a "butt pad" it literally gives a new meaning to "ghetto booty"..oh and she's standing on a chair, she isn't 9 feet tall)

*Jeremy & I* (Note: he has tan make-up. This is because back in the time period people of high stature were very pale and poor people were tan because they worked outside. Jeremy plays a gardener...cool eh?)

*Jeremy & Molly* (Please note Molly's wig...bahahah love it)