Hey ya'll! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile...finals week was crazy and I don't have the internet right now at my mom's house so there hasn't been a whole lot of time to update! The end of my second year in college went smoothly. My grades thus far are looking good and so I have no complaints. I can't believe how fast the school year went, though...it's insanity! Being home is nice, but I am excited to start working! I actually have 2 jobs lined up for this summer, which I am excited about! I am returning to work for the city rec department's Kids Clubhouse. It's a nice job that pays well and I like having set hours. That doesn't begin until mid June, though, so I am happy that I have my American Eagle job lined up as well. I have my orientation tomorrow afternoon and I am really excited. I worked retail 2 summers ago, and I enjoyed it, plus I LOVE American Eagle's clothes. So, up until the Clubhouse starts I'll be working whenever at AE and then when the Clubhouse starts I'll be working evenings and weekends at AE. =) $$$$! Yay yay! Cory and I also found out who we will be living with next year. It's a really nice couple with a dog. I facebooked them and they seem completely normal and very nice and their dog, a Russell Terrier named Domino, is ADORABLE. =) So, that takes some of the stress off about worrying who I am living with!
Okay, well I have laundry to attend to! But I will update soon! Later, gators!