So, the first day of school was today! The picture above is "the gang" in our first day of school attire. "The gang" being my closest class friends, Cassie, Kate, Alan and Emily. We have all of our music classes together and have since the beginning so we've all become very close. :)
I didn't have class until 11 today, but woke up naturally 8, which was actually kind of nice. I ate some breakfast, watched a movie, and then took a shower and got ready. I didn't feel rushed! We'll see if I can keep getting up at that hour or not. The only problem with having late classes is getting to school at that hour because the parking is LIMITED. I ended up having to park at the Rec Center at Hilltop (a good 10 minute walk from my classroom building) because the ENTIRE MCA parking lot was FILLED. For those of you that know UMaine well you know that that parking lot is yeah. Parking at Hilltop meant I was in the first year residential part of campus which meant I walked to class with hundreds of eager and nervous first year students on their way to their first college day. I walked fast and wasn't looking at a map the whole time so I probably stood out. Anywho, I only had 1 class and then some re-auditions and then work. It was an eventful day, indeed! Class at 8am tomorrow so it's going to be an early night tonight!
Later, gators!