Today I gave my first SOLO tour of UMaine! I have given tours with other tour guides before but never by myself. Today we had 60 people come and so we had to split it up meaning everyone working had to do a solo tour of about 15-20 people. I was nervous but also excited! I like being in the spotlight so even though I do like giving tours with another tour guide, I like having my own show even better! It was really fun and everyone asked interesting and good questions. I had about 20 people on my tour, most of whom were from Massachusetts and had toured many other schools in the last few weeks. Hopefully I left them with a good impression of UMaine! I did get a really good compliment, actually. When we got back apparently one of the moms on the tour went up the girl in charge at the desk and said "Who is in charge here!?" and at first they thought it was something bad but then she said "I just have to tell someone that Sarah was an incredible tour guide. I have been on 23 college tours lately and she was by far the best tour guide we've had." So, I was pretty happy with that news! I love the work I do with the university and I can't wait to give more tours and to do this kind of thing for the rest of my life! :)
More soon...later, gators!