It's nice to be back at school, though I am rather stressed getting ready for finals and my jury. A jury is a final for music majors. Pretty much you go in and sing two songs in front of the voice faculty. It's just nerve-racking and I need to really start cracking down on memorizing my songs and everything, which is hard when a couple are in Italian. Oh well, I'm sure it'll all work out.
On another note, Alyssa, Jeremy, and I are heading down to Waterville on Saturday to see the WOH production of "A Christmas Carol" which some FAME-rs are in as well as 3 members of the Ganza family. So, I'm excited to see that!
On another another note, Alyssa owns seasons 1-3 of "Reno 911"...which is probably my top favorite show in the entire world and we've been watching a lot of that lately. Trudy Wiegel is my hero...end of story.
Okay, gotta go!
Later, gators!