My Spring Break thus far has been rather uneventful. Saturday was low-key because of the weather, Sunday was low-key because that's how Sundays should be. Monday my friend, Meaghan, came over and interviewed me for one of her classes. It was an interview on body image and she needed to interview one girl who had grown up playing sports her whole life and one who had not. I'll let you guess which girl I was.. ha ha. The rest of this week has been spent relaxing, sleeping in, and watching a whole lot of Crossing newest guilty pleasure. I watch way too many crime dramas and then I wonder why I'm paranoid.
Alright, I will try to blog more this vacation...expecially during my trip! But in the meantime...let's all do a collective prayer that this weather improves....the birdies are hungry!

Later, gators! =)
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