Thursday, March 22, 2007

A weekend of fun!

I am really looking forward to this weekend. Tomorrow Sara and I are leaving campus around 2, heading home, and then going out to eat at Café de Bangkok with Chantal and Brian. After that we are going to see CHIZZLE WIZZLE, which I am very pumped about. Saturday, I am getting my hair done (always a treat) and then hanging out with CHRIS in the evening because he flies home Saturday morning!!! Sunday, Chris and I are going to my grandmother's for a bit during the day for my dad's birthday party and then we are going to see USM's production of Urinetown: The Musical.
I have never seen it before, but I have heard many good things about it. A LOT of colleges do it throughout the country. Actually, St. Olaf--where Chris goes, did a production of it in the fall. USM has a music theatre major and so I am certain that it will be a great show. For those that have never heard of Urinetown, according to the USM website: "Just about anything is fair game in this musical satire, including the musical genre itself! URINETOWN pokes good natured fun at everything from corporate greed and politics to romance to good-versus-evil. The setting is a bleak futuristic city plagued by a 20-year drought. A corporate monopoly controls the way people conduct their most private and basic of needs, but a hero rises to lead his fellow citizens against the greedy."
Only one more day of classes and I get to have my weekend of fun!! Yay!!! :)
Later, gators.

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