Monday, March 12, 2007

Welcome to America.

I have written blog entries about gay rights, about transgender rights, about how absolutely liberal I am and yet the blog entry about American Idol gains the most negative feedback. I could at least have respect if a conservative left a comment completely obliterating everything liberal I say because at least it's an opinion on something that actually matters. American Idol is a TV show. A very POPULAR TV show at that. I don't understand why people feel the need to defend it when my opinion is the minority among America. You don't need to defend it, it does enough defending on it's own. It's wildly popular and my opinion doesn't matter, but I can write my opinion on my own blog and expect that people won't have a hayday defending a TV show. Apparently that is not the case.
I apologize for offending the Clay fans and apparently the Kelly haters. My point was that I believe those that American Idol rejects turn out to have far better careers than American Idol could have ever offered them.
I guess that's truly America, though. The issues that really DO matter get tossed aside while a makeshift talent show causes an uproar.
Later, gators.

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