I saw my first dandelion of the season today! I even did the whole song "Mama had a baby and her head popped off!"...it was that joyous of an occasion. It's so nice around campus when things start warming up. People are always lounging on the mall, taking walks, wearing less than 9 layers of clothing. You can defintely tell when spring is coming...this campus comes alive, truly. It's just too bad that for most of the school year we're buried under a blanket of snow and spend many months hibernating inside the warmth of our rooms. But, seeing a dandelion today really lifted by spirts! =)
On another note, I had a pretty eventful weekend. Friday night, one of my best friends from high school, Brian came up to get me. We then proceeded to Waterville where we saw Jesus Christ Superstar at the Waterville Opera House.

It's the story of Jesus set to rock-ish music. I'm sure you've all heard the song "Jesus Christ Superstar", yes it's from that show. It was excellent, as are all WOH productions. I liked it a lot. The show is playing at the Maine State Music Theater this summer as well so I am excited to see their production. It will be interesting to note the differences between the community theatre and the professional theatre. =)
Saturday I had an interview at American Eagle.

I already have my rec job back for the summer, but if I get the job at AE I could work nights and weekends there. I need all the money I can get. I thought the interview went very well and so I shall know soon about that. =) Alright, I need to go to recital lab in a few...so I'm gonna wrap this up.
Later, gators!!