Monday, October 22, 2007

Go RED SOX! & A new header....

Wooohoo! Go SOX! They just won their ticket to the World Series! Woo! Okay, so I admit I am a wicked bandwagon Red Sox fan. I watch them when they get to this point. Before this point, I don't watch. Although, my sophomore year in high school I watched them quite a bit because I had a huge huge huge crush on Pedro Martinez, then he left and I felt no need to watch. BUT before he left the Sox, I did manage to get to a game in Baltimore, make him a sign, and then almost faint when he tossed me a ball. :) Good times!

On another note, I spent a CONSIDERABLE (aka...a freaking really long time) making a new header tonight in PhotoShop. I hope ya'll like it. It took me forever! I think it's charming.

Also, I think I am going to start doing something every blog before I sign off. I got the idea from my dad's friend's blog. He does these blogs where he names a bunch of stuff that puzzle/annoy him. They are HILARIOUS. BUT I tend to be an overly negative person anyway so I am going to try to a do a "Something That Makes Me Smile" before I end my blogs.

So here's my first one.
Something That Makes Me Smile:
Coming up with a fun, and different way to climb the 4 flights of stairs to my dorm. I don't think it makes Alyssa smile, though. ;-)

Alright, later gators!


Anonymous said...

Me likey. Both the new header and the Sox. Good for you and Alyssa!

Anonymous said...

I am a Sox fan if they make it to the playoffs--I like to watch the guy dance.I like your new header.

Anonymous said...

hey, am i the friend your dad talks about? if so, i hope you like my "meanderings." have a great day