Tonight I started my second job. Don't worry, I'm not over-exerting myself. It's just for 3 hours on Sunday nights. I'm a telecounselor. Pretty much I call people that have show an interest in the University of Maine (at College Fairs, etc) and chat them up about how great UMaine is. It's really fun, actually. I got to talk to a few prospective music students tonight and that was fun because I knew a lot about the program and really talked up how great being a music student is at UMaine. I think I'm pretty good at it. I like talking peoples' ears off, so I feel that it's a good job for me! PLUS it's a lil extra cash. Speaking of working, I called American Eagle today and they're gonna let me work the few days that I am home for fall break, so that's exciting! I enjoy money. 2 more weeks until fall break! I can't believe how fast this month as flown by. Next weekend is the JUNGLE FEVER singers dance and then the weekend after that I'll be home (and working at AE the whole time..haha) so it should be a good couple of weeks! This year has really been fantastic so far. I really feel like I've found my niche at UMaine and I have a great group of friends. I think that's why I am pretty good at telecounseling, too. I love this school and I want everyone to go here so they can love it too. I know it's cheesy on the commercials, but it's true...At UMaine, you're in a great place.
More soon. Later, gators!