Last night Chris and I went to see "Sly Fox" at Lakewood. It was good!! Kind of long, but good nonetheless and Chris's dad was fantastic in it. Getting there was quite an adventure though. There was a HUGE, and when I say HUGE I mean HUGE, thunderstorm in Skowtown and some of the puddles we were driving through were enormously deep. It was frightening and I didn't enjoy it at all. Once we were there, however, all was well.
Today it poured for a good part of the morning and so we kept the kids inside. We planned to watch a movie but the VCR ended up being broken so we played a big game of duck duck goose with the 6&7 age group and then my group made Oobleck. For those unaware of what oobleck's cornstarch and water and kids love it because when you touch it it feels like a solid but when you pick it up it melts into a liquid. PLUS you can make it all kinds of fun colors. Although for whatever reason the kids all wanted to mix red, yellow, green, and blue food coloring in their oobleck even though I told them numerous times it was going to turn out a brown color. Oh well! Can't win 'em all! Well anywho...I'm gonna find something to do with my life (err...afternoon).
Later, gators!!