My knees, ladies and gentlemen. Sunday I had a 4 hour dance rehearsal. Wait, let me take that back. Sunday I had an hour of a full body work-out and then a dance rehearsal for 3 hours. Yesterday I also had a 3 hour dance rehearsal. That totals 7 hours. This is what my knees look like because of it. There's a lot of dropping to the ground on our knees in the choreography and the result is as such. Plus, for anyone that knows me..."
dancer" is probably not the first word that comes to mind when my name is thrown around. Actor?...maybe? Singer?...sure. Dancer?.......not so much. I am learning a lot though and it's good for me so I am not complaining. I
love every minute of rehearsing for musicals so banging up my knees (and being so sore that walking is a chore) is a small price to pay for how
great it will all look in the end.
On another note, we set up the 100 ft slip&slide at work today. Truth be told it's not a slip&slide at all. It's a 100 ft long, 20 ft wide tarp that my boss bought from Home Depot, but it works better than any dinky little slip&slide, that's for sure. I went down it today. It was a real good time and the kids had a blast.
Hmm...what else is new? Not a whole bunch. I pretty much eat, sleep, work, and go to rehearsal. And try to find time in between all that to see Chris and hang with friends. A busy life I lead, indeed.
Oooh, I know. I've been driving a lot more lately!!! Most people know I loathe driving. I avoid it all costs, but I've been driving lately and quite frankly it hasn't been bad! Although it's only been on sunny days. No night time and no weird weather conditions, but hey, it's a start.
Okay, el boyfriendo is going to be here soon. So off I must go.
Later, gators!