Hola! Saturday night was the Singers JUNGLE FEVER dance! It was pretty fun! Cory and I went as dates and were decked out in zebra print. I don't have that many pictures uploaded from it yet, but I'll include a couple.
Me & Andrew (...I helped him pick out that DOPE costume at Goodwill, I'll have you know)

Me & Liz doing a lil choreographed dance sequence...

As soon as the "before" pictures are uploaded, I'll post them up here. There's some great ones of Cory and I in our zebra get-up. Cory's costume was out of control. I have to include a photo...
He wore Liz's shower curtain as a toga, a mask from IParty, his Dansko's, short shorts, a red earring...he was just...out of control.

I love my roommate. :)
On another note, Side Show auditions were last night. Callbacks are tonight. I shall find out about it sometime this week and as soon as I know I'll be sure to let ya'll know. For those of you that don't know, Side Show is the musical that UMaine is doing this year. The music is fantastic. I LOVE IT. It's a show about a circus and the 2 main characters are conjoined twin sisters, Daisy and Violet (based on the real Daisy & Violet Hilton). For more info on Side Show click
HERE and for more info on Daisy and Violet Hilton, click
HERE. They lead pretty interesting lives. It's a great show and I'm really excited about it. So, stay tuned!
Okay, I've got Euphony rehearsal and then callbacks so I gotta wrap this up! More soon! Later, gators!