Sunday, January 28, 2007
with the sun in the morning and the moon in the evening I'm alright...
Well, I was SUUUUPER tired last night so I didn't write an entry about how my audition went.
I feel that it went pretty good! I got up around 6:15 and got ready. Then my dad and I drove over to the Asylum Avenue campus at like 7:30. It's a really small campus because it isn't the main University of Hartford campus. It was in a really nice part of Hartford though. So I registered and then we headed over to a dance studio and had the dance portion of the audition. The instructor was INSANE, but so funny. He was like a dance instructor you'd see in the movies. Like he teaches things REALLY fast and is over dramatic about everything. I struggled a little bit, but that is to be expected. Next we had a music theory test which none of us knew we'd be taking. That made me a little big nervous because I'm horrible at music theory, but they told us it had no weight on whether or not we get in. It is only a placement test so that IF I do get in they will know where to place me in a music theory class.
Well, after the dance portion and the music theory test I felt a little bit nervous and I knew I needed to try really hard in the monologue/singing part. I was super nervous but all of the students that were there to help us were super nice. So, finally I went in and did my songs and monologue and I felt like things went really well. I mean, I did my best at least. The selection process at Hartt is really, really tough. Hundreds audition and they only accept like 30 or so, so I know that chances are not in my favor. Thankfully, I am happy here at UMaine so if I don't get in at Hartt, I won't be miserable. If I do get in though...that would be FABULOUS. :) So everyone keep their fingers crossed for me. I should find out in like March or so.
Alright, well I have to go to rehearsal in a bit. So I will write more at another time.
Later, gators. :)
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Get ready, Hartford...
Hello, world.
I am in Hartford, Connecticut right now for my Musical Theatre audition that is happening at the Hartt School of Performing Arts tomorrow morning. I am super nervous. Eeeeek.
My dad picked me up this morning at school and we stopped at a few places to buy a couple things and then we were Hartford bound around 1:30. It wasn't too bad of a drive. About 4 1/2 hours. Not bad at all. I took the time to go over my monologue like a billion times in my head.
We got to the hotel around 6 or so. It's a Holiday Inn and there's free internet access, so it's GOOD by my standards!
Then my dad and I went out to eat at this Italian restaurant called Hot Tomatoes that is next to the hotel. It was tres yummy.
Tomorrow is an early morning. Registration is from 8:00-8:15, dance audition from 8:30-9:45 and then my singing/monologue audition is at 11:52. Gahhh, I just want to get it over with!!!!
Alright, I'm out. I will write more tomorrow night to fill ya'll in on how everything went!
Later, gators.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
In A Cave Many Miles to The South...
I have rehearsal for the majority of the day and then homework to do so I decided to write a quick entry now and give a ploy for Bat Boy.
I will write another one of these at a closer date, but I want to get in in everyone's mind.
February 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25
Bat Boy: The Musical
Come see it!
Alright brunch time.
Later, gators.
Ignorance is not bliss...
I am feeling the need to rant my ass off right now. I am taking an online government class and every week we are required to post 2 posts. The first is a response to a question that the professor asks, the second is a response to the posts posted by other students in the class. This week's question was:
"What, in your view, is the proper role of government? How would you balance the competing values of Freedom, Order, and Equality?"
And then then there was a list of "for examples". One of them was:
"Should the government a) allow only heterosexual couples to get married, b) allow heterosexual and homosexual couples to get married, c) allow marriages between more than two people, or d) get out of the business of governing marriage altogether?
As I was sifting through the different posts I was saddened to see that a student had a response (and I'm paraphrasing now) that pretty much said that homosexual couples should not be allowed to get married because the government should not give "special rights" to minorities. The student then went on to say that the majority of Americans classify themselves as either Christian/Catholic or Jewish and that it would be unfair to change the sanctity of marriage for a small population of people.
It is here now in this blog that I must RANT to anyone that is listening.
How in the world is allowing a homosexual couple to get married a "special right"? It is an equal right. Truly, straight people like myself are receiving the real "special right" and abusing it. We are allowed to marry who we love without question, without disapproval. It's sad that a drunk man and a drunk woman who meet on a Saturday night in Vegas can walk outside and find any number of wedding chapels and they will be ALLOWED to marry, but a gay couple that has been together for 25 years can not get married at all. So, really...who is ruining the "sanctity" of marriage?
It appalls me to hear that someone believes that a minority of people should not receive equal rights. I really thought we were getting somewhere with equality in this country. Seriously, when people think like that it is just taking us back such a huge step and we've made such strides.
If you look back at the 50's it's obvious that not allowing rights to certain minorities is NOT the way to go about things. A LOT of people back then did not want African Americans to have the same rights as everyone else, but after became obvious that just because they are the minority does not make them a lesser. It just really saddens me.
I am so lucky, other than that I am female...I've got everything else checked off. I'm white, I'm straight, I'm a middle-class American. I can do anything, I can be anything and NO ONE will point their finger in disapproval. I can't imagine what it would be like to not be allowed something that is allowed to EVERYONE else. If people could just put themselves in someone else's shoes for two seconds, I think this world could be a much more understanding place.
It must be so exhausting to have such inner turmoil that you have to actually not accept someone else because of a difference from yourself. Are people really THAT conceited? Really THAT angry at the world? Just step back and take a look around. We're so LUCKY to be here that how DARE you waste your energy and your mind looking down on others? We're human beings and there's no way to explain how we got here. Maybe it was God, maybe it was evolution, but whatever it WAS a miracle. Be thankful for that, be thankful for YOU, don't spend so much time disapproving of others and I promise you this world could be a better place.
later, gators.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
girls just wanna have fun...
Has anyone ever had pomegranate juice? If not, you should really invest a couple bucks into buying some. It's marvelous. They sell this brand in the union called "Odwalla" and I pretty much have to take out a mortgage on my dorm room (yes, I realize that's not possible because I don't own it...roll with it, people) to buy it, but Odwalla makes all kinds of variations of pomegranate juice, my personal favorite is Pomegranate Limeade. :) Yum!
Last night was pretty uneventful. There was a party at Tom & Jacob's, but I opted out. I was sleepy and I need to rest up before my audition in a WEEK. Plus, it was okay because a slightly tipsy Greg called me from upstairs in Tom's closet and gave me an update on what was going I felt like I was there, and I felt special being a part of the only time Greg Young will ever be "in the closet" :) hehe.
Today I slept in and I have been practicing my monologue and songs for my audition for most of the day. Tomorrow we have rehearsal and we are stumbling through the entire show start to finish. That should be interesting. Alright, gotta run.
Later, gators. :)
Friday, January 19, 2007
would you be the wind to blow me home?
Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I wasn't feeling it. I love Grey's Anatomy. I really do. I love marathon-ing seasons of shows on DVD. It makes me feel incredibly lazy, but I still do it. Sara and I have fun with it. :)
So, yesterday I dragged myself out of bed at 7 in the freakin' morning, threw on some clothes and then suffered the 15 minute walk to intro to public communication. It was a pretty good class, though. I think it'll be my favorite this semester despite its earliness. The teacher is really weird, but he's really, really liberal which means I like him. As soon as he started talking about how Barack Obama is captivating the nation, I was instantly a fan.
(Obama in 2008!)
After that class I came back here and took a shower and then headed to Spanish. I had way too much to do with waiting in line to return my math book that I decided to skip chorus ('s not a big deal, I won't make it a habit). Waiting in line was an understatement. It took forever to return the damn book. I was not impressed. Oh well. Rehearsal went pretty well last night. It's tiring stuff. Jacob is learning stuff really quickly though which takes away some of the stress.
Today...was pretty simple. It snowed a bunch, which I am not a huge fan of. I had psych lecture this morning...snore...and then geology lecture. Geology isn't that bad because the professor is pretty interesting. Then I worked for awhile and came back here.
It's going to be a pretty low key evening tonight because I have work call in the morning for building sets. BLAH.
Alright, til next time...
later, gators. :)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
This just in!
Until next time...
Later, gators.
Hold me, Bat Boy...
It is FREEZING. I look super hip walking around, I'll tell you that much.
Alright, gotta go learn about the earth.
Later, gators.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Love is the answer, at least for most of the questions in my heart...
So, my first 3 classes of the semester went well. I really like my Spanish professor. She seems to know what she's doing, which was debatable when talking about my Spanish professor last semester. He was a nice guy, but just a bit flighty.
Collegiate Chorale is with the same teacher I had last semester. I really like her. She's a graduate student getting her masters in choral conducting and she's really cool.
After chorale I went to the union and ate a salad...mighty tasty, mighty tasty. I ran into
Arielle on my way into the bookstore. I am happy that she is going to school here now and is a theater major! Wooot! I bought some music, a folder, and toothpaste at the bookstore. The line was incredibly long to purchase things. Silly people that buy their books at the last minute. Tsk, tsk. After that I had pre-calc. My professor is the epitome of a stereotypical college professor. Monotone, old, weird...but the class seems like it will be fairly easy so that's good at least.
Tomorrow I have psychology, geology, and then pre-calc again & then I go back to work at Explorations. Well, I should say back to "work". Working in that office=sitting at a desk and playing on the computer while I cover the phones that never ring. Oh well! I get paid so no complaints! :)
No rehearsal again tonight. ::Sigh:: 4 days without rehearsal=Sad Sarah. We had the weekend off and then last night's got canceled because of the weather and then tonight just the leads have rehearsal to get Jacob back into the swing of things. I would be oober oober oober stressed if I were Jacob. He was in Germany all last week while we were here rehearsing all day and he IS Bat Boy. Oy vey. I know he can pull it off, he's a great actor, but I would be stressed right out if I were him.
Alright, well I think I'm going to cuddle with my stuffed animals in my bed until dinner.
Later, gators.
It's a charmed life...
I designed my schedule so that every single day I don't have class until 11. Mmmmyes. I love sleeping, I'm a friggen sloth. Gross.
My schedule kind of sucks this semester though. I am not taking any classes that pertain to my major. I am getting a bunch of Gen-Eds out of the way, which means that my GPA probably won't be as good as it was this semester because they are all boring and yucky classes. Oh well!
My audition at the University of Hartford is in a couple weeks. Eeeeek. That would be fabulous if I could get in...oooh jeez, everyone keep their fingers crossed.
I've decided that if the Hartford thing doesn't work out that I will change my major (hopefully, if I get accepted into the major) to Music Ed and keep a theatre minor. That way I could still take plenty of music classes and I think teaching music would be fun. It's sort of a bummer because I can't take music classes here (except regular chorus) because I am not a music major.
I've watched so much Grey's Anatomy today. Sara bought the first two seasons on DVD and everyone knows how much I love marathon-ing shows like there's no tomorrow. Did anyone else know that Patrick "Dr. McDreamy" Dempsey is from MAINE!? I just found that out tonight. Shocked, I was, shocked!
Well, it's time that this little Sarah gets some sleep.
Later, gators.