Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ignorance is not bliss...

S1297500059_30010011_7503I am feeling the need to rant my ass off right now. I am taking an online government class and every week we are required to post 2 posts. The first is a response to a question that the professor asks, the second is a response to the posts posted by other students in the class. This week's question was:

"What, in your view, is the proper role of government? How would you balance the competing values of Freedom, Order, and Equality?"

And then then there was a list of "for examples". One of them was:

"Should the government a) allow only heterosexual couples to get married, b) allow heterosexual and homosexual couples to get married, c) allow marriages between more than two people, or d) get out of the business of governing marriage altogether?

As I was sifting through the different posts I was saddened to see that a student had a response (and I'm paraphrasing now) that pretty much said that homosexual couples should not be allowed to get married because the government should not give "special rights" to minorities. The student then went on to say that the majority of Americans classify themselves as either Christian/Catholic or Jewish and that it would be unfair to change the sanctity of marriage for a small population of people.

It is here now in this blog that I must RANT to anyone that is listening.

How in the world is allowing a homosexual couple to get married a "special right"? It is an equal right. Truly, straight people like myself are receiving the real "special right" and abusing it. We are allowed to marry who we love without question, without disapproval. It's sad that a drunk man and a drunk woman who meet on a Saturday night in Vegas can walk outside and find any number of wedding chapels and they will be ALLOWED to marry, but a gay couple that has been together for 25 years can not get married at all. So, really...who is ruining the "sanctity" of marriage?
It appalls me to hear that someone believes that a minority of people should not receive equal rights. I really thought we were getting somewhere with equality in this country. Seriously, when people think like that it is just taking us back such a huge step and we've made such strides.
If you look back at the 50's it's obvious that not allowing rights to certain minorities is NOT the way to go about things. A LOT of people back then did not want African Americans to have the same rights as everyone else, but after became obvious that just because they are the minority does not make them a lesser. It just really saddens me.
I am so lucky, other than that I am female...I've got everything else checked off. I'm white, I'm straight, I'm a middle-class American. I can do anything, I can be anything and NO ONE will point their finger in disapproval. I can't imagine what it would be like to not be allowed something that is allowed to EVERYONE else. If people could just put themselves in someone else's shoes for two seconds, I think this world could be a much more understanding place.
It must be so exhausting to have such inner turmoil that you have to actually not accept someone else because of a difference from yourself. Are people really THAT conceited? Really THAT angry at the world? Just step back and take a look around. We're so LUCKY to be here that how DARE you waste your energy and your mind looking down on others? We're human beings and there's no way to explain how we got here. Maybe it was God, maybe it was evolution, but whatever it WAS a miracle. Be thankful for that, be thankful for YOU, don't spend so much time disapproving of others and I promise you this world could be a better place.

Until next time...
later, gators.

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