Long and Fun Survey |
Basic Survey Crap |
What is your name?: | Sarah |
What is your birthdate?: | 10/17/87 |
What is your sex?: | Female. |
What color are your eyes?: | Hazel. |
What color is your hair?: | Brown. |
What is your nationality?: | American. |
What is your religion?: | N/A. |
What is your Zodiac? (i.e.: Horse, Rabbit, etc.): | Rabbit. |
What is your cosmic sign? (i.e.: Aries, Saggitarius, etc.): | Libra. |
Favorites |
Music?: | Showtunes. |
Food?: | Cake & Egg rolls. |
Color?: | Pink. |
Book?: | I have many. |
Band/Singer?: | Jack Johnson. |
TV show?: | Grey's Anatomy. |
Movie?: | Hmm... |
Sport?: | N/A. |
Broadway show?: | Oh my gosh! Soo many. RENT, The Full Monty, Bat Boy, Aida, FAME, The Lion King, the list could go on and on and on... |
Store?: | TJ Maxx. |
Celebrity?: | Angelina Jolie. |
Personality |
Are you introvert or extrovert?: | Extrovert. |
Are you outgoing or boring?: | I like to think outgoing. |
Are you mean or nice?: | Nice. |
Are you smart or ignorant?: | I like to think smart. |
Do you make friends easilly?: | For the most part. |
Are you talkative or quiet?: | Talkative. |
Do you like to pick fights with weaker people?: | Weaker people? No. But I do tend to pick fights if I am cranky. |
Are you ever "mean just to be mean"?: | Nah. |
Do you like to argue with people?: | Sometimes. |
Are you a good listener?: | Sure. |
Do you label yourself? If so, which label? If not, why?: | Labeling limits. |
Opinions |
What do you think about abortion?: | Pro-Choice. |
What do you think about current Pres. George W. Bush?: | Idiot. |
Do you think Kerry should have won the election?: | Yes. |
What do you think about gay marriages?: | For. |
What do you think about child crimes being related to video games?: | I don't really have an opinion on that. |
What do you think about marijuana?: | I don't smoke it. |
What do you think about cloning?: | Creepy. |
Do you believe in dragons/unicorns/fairies/etc?: | No. |
What do you think about capital punishment?: | Against. |
What do you think about racism?: | Only ignorant and uneducated people are racist. |
Have you ever... |
... had sex?: | Tad bit nosy are we? |
... done drugs?: | No. |
... played an instrument?: | Yes. |
... made a typo?: | Yes. |
... played hooky?: | Sort of. |
... talked in a different accent?: | Yes, all the time. |
... worn a costume just for the sake of it?: | Hm, don't think so. |
... broke out into song in public?: | Oh, yes. |
... beaten up anyone?: | No. |
... sang in the shower?: | Yes. |
... been to a concert?: | Yes. |
... built something?: | I helped build the set for Bat Boy..does that count? |
... painted a picture?: | Yes. |
... eaten sushi or anything raw?: | Yes. |
... fallen asleep in school/at work?: | No. |
Habits |
Which words do you overuse the most?: | "like" |
Do you have a habit of fidgetting?: | Yes! |
Are you addicted to any drugs?: | No. |
Do you bite your fingernails?: | No. |
Do you constantly clean your nails?: | No. |
What other habits do you have?: | I crack my bones A LOT. |
Locations |
Where do you live?: | Maine. |
What is your favorite amusement park?: | Hmmm..Six Flags. |
Where do you go to school/work?: | UMaine. |
What is your favorite restaraunt?: | Macaroni Grill. |
Where do you go shopping?: | Hmm, many places. |
Have you ever gone outside of the country?: | Yes. |
Have you ever been inside a cave?: | No. |
Have you ever gone to camp?: | Yes. |
Friends & Love |
Who are your friends?: | Um, do you want me to name them? |
Who is the craziest?: | Brian. |
Who is the funniest?: | Brian. |
Who is the most annoying?: | Aw, that's not nice. |
Who is the most intellegent?: | Bobby. |
Who can speak a different language?: | Chantal. |
Who is the most hyper?: | Me, haha. |
Who is the kindest?: | Jordan. |
Who is the most athletic?: | Hmmm...my brother. |
Who is the laziest?: | Again...not nice. |
Do you have any gay friends?: | Yes. |
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: | Yes. |
What is so special about the boyfriend/girlfriend?: | He's the most talented human being I know. |
Random |
Where does the rain grow?: | Rain doesn't grow. |
Have you ever been attacked by a rabbit?: | No. |
Have you ever eaten a bug?: | As they say...you swallow like 6 spiders a year in your sleep. |
Are you writing a story?: | Not at the moment. |
Do you write poetry?: | Sometimes. |
Did you enjoy this survey?: | Sure. |
Do you have any words of wisdom before this survey ends?: | No. |
Respond with the first word you think of |
Purple: | Summer. |
Chicken: | Pot Pie. |
Scissors: | Eraser. |
Trash: | Can. |
Ghetto: | Booty. |
Gold: | Tooth. |
God: | Cloud. |
Left: | Right. |
Magic: | Horse. |
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