Well, it's been a few days so I'm gonna give ya'll an update on my life.
Saturday I got my hair cut. That was a good time had by all. I saw some Cony gals getting their hair all jazzed up for the Chizzle Wizzle Ball that evening. I also saw Jordan (her mother owns the salon I go to) because she was home on Spring Break and working at the salon. So, that was a nice reunion. I miss the people from my graduating class! :) Then for the rest of Saturday I just kind of hung around until about 11:30 that evening when Chris came and picked me up. It was wonderful to see him again. It had been just shy of 3 months since I had seen him and had been since October since I had seen him and we'd been dating so it was a really lovely night. We drove around and chatted and went to Wal-Mart to buy my dad a birthday card and just were regular ole Chris and Sarah. :)
The next day... Chris picked me up around 2 and we went to my grandmother's for a birthday party for my dad. I think he enjoyed the Elmo card I bought him. I think he also enjoyed the poem I wrote in it. It went something like this:
Hope turning 44 was a blast,
you're getting old very fast.
Before we know it you'll be 50,
and that's only 10 years 'til 60!
har har har. So, that was a fun party. I chatted with my brother about how the ball was and we ate cake and whatnot. After that, Chris and I headed to Gorham to see USM's production of Urinetown. It was GREAT!! They were excellent. I was very impressed. :) Then we went out to eat at Friendly's in Augusta and thennnn we headed to Orono. Chris met a few people here and we hung out for awhile and then he headed home.
Monday...I had a big speech to write for my speech class so I skipped my 2 lectures that day, 2 lectures that I NEVER EVER SKIP so I didn't feel that guilty about it. Plus, I really wanted to do a good job on my speech. It was a persuasive speech on gay marriage. I gave it this morning in class, I think people liked it. Today, I ordered some music for a possible audition for the music ed program here at UMaine. I haven't heard from Hartford yet, but if I stay here I really want to be in the music ed program. So, I should be auditioning for that within the next month. So, keep your fingers crossed for me. :)
Alright, I need to shower. I just did pilates, 8 minute abs, and 8 minute buns and I am sweaty and gross. So, later gators!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
old friends are wonderful!

Later, gators!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
A weekend of fun!
I have never seen it before, but I have heard many good things about it. A LOT of colleges do it throughout the country. Actually, St. Olaf--where Chris goes, did a production of it in the fall. USM has a music theatre major and so I am certain that it will be a great show. For those that have never heard of Urinetown, according to the USM website: "Just about anything is fair game in this musical satire, including the musical genre itself! URINETOWN pokes good natured fun at everything from corporate greed and politics to romance to good-versus-evil. The setting is a bleak futuristic city plagued by a 20-year drought. A corporate monopoly controls the way people conduct their most private and basic of needs, but a hero rises to lead his fellow citizens against the greedy."
Only one more day of classes and I get to have my weekend of fun!! Yay!!! :)
Later, gators.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
a new hobby.

Monday, March 19, 2007
It's that time of the year again!

I just really miss Chizzle Wizzle week...the jitters, the friendships, the fun, the booths, the directors, Gerry & his trio, the dance!!, everything. It's so much fun. It'll be interesting to be seeing it from a totally different perspective on Friday, but I am very excited. Alright, geology time.
Later, gators!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Meet Senorita Cookie A La Mode.

I am back at school. It's nice to be back. Of course the lugging my belongings up to my room process is never a fun one, but my mum and I managed to do it in one trip.
Then Sara and I went to the grocery store. We got some yummy snacks. I am not looking forward to class tomorrow, but luckily tomorrow is my late morning, so YAY! :)
Alright, gotta run.
Later, gators!!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
school, glorious, school!
Here I am at home on the last day before I head back to school and I couldn't be more excited to get back to professors, and tests, and a cramped dorm room, and public bathrooms, and cafeteria food, and everything else.
Because UMaine is pretty much the only school that has a Spring Break these two weeks... pretty much NO ONE is home. I don't understand how people take a year off from college. Granted, they have work to go to during the day (hopefully) but even so where in the world is the social life? All the friends from home are at school and there are no new friends to meet. I have been so bored this vacation it's not even funny. I found myself getting excited about trips to Wal-Mart with my mother...now THAT'S sad.
Don't get me wrong, it's always nice to be home, to be back to the familiar, but if you have no one to enjoy it with it can get pretty lonely. I look forward to getting back to school, what has become my normalcy, and this summer home will be much for fun when those people I relate HOME with are HOME as well.
Later, gators.
Because UMaine is pretty much the only school that has a Spring Break these two weeks... pretty much NO ONE is home. I don't understand how people take a year off from college. Granted, they have work to go to during the day (hopefully) but even so where in the world is the social life? All the friends from home are at school and there are no new friends to meet. I have been so bored this vacation it's not even funny. I found myself getting excited about trips to Wal-Mart with my mother...now THAT'S sad.
Don't get me wrong, it's always nice to be home, to be back to the familiar, but if you have no one to enjoy it with it can get pretty lonely. I look forward to getting back to school, what has become my normalcy, and this summer home will be much for fun when those people I relate HOME with are HOME as well.
Later, gators.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
whatta couple of hotties!

It's always nice to have company though so I gladly let them in.
It's been fun hanging out with them, Heather and I gossip about all the crap going on at Cony and Chris just kind of hangs out. hehe. It's a good time.
I love them. :)
Later, gators!
I came across this really cool website tonight.
It is really neat. You can enter different things you want to do with your life and see entries from other people who want to do or have done that thing. It's really cool. There's also another one called
(I really think you'd like this one, Uncle Jim)
It's the same thing as 43 things only you enter different places you want to go or have gone and read entries from others about that place. It's really fun!
Check mine out & then make your own!
Later, gators!!
It is really neat. You can enter different things you want to do with your life and see entries from other people who want to do or have done that thing. It's really cool. There's also another one called
(I really think you'd like this one, Uncle Jim)
It's the same thing as 43 things only you enter different places you want to go or have gone and read entries from others about that place. It's really fun!
Check mine out & then make your own!
Later, gators!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Later, gators.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Welcome to America.
I have written blog entries about gay rights, about transgender rights, about how absolutely liberal I am and yet the blog entry about American Idol gains the most negative feedback. I could at least have respect if a conservative left a comment completely obliterating everything liberal I say because at least it's an opinion on something that actually matters. American Idol is a TV show. A very POPULAR TV show at that. I don't understand why people feel the need to defend it when my opinion is the minority among America. You don't need to defend it, it does enough defending on it's own. It's wildly popular and my opinion doesn't matter, but I can write my opinion on my own blog and expect that people won't have a hayday defending a TV show. Apparently that is not the case.
I apologize for offending the Clay fans and apparently the Kelly haters. My point was that I believe those that American Idol rejects turn out to have far better careers than American Idol could have ever offered them.
I guess that's truly America, though. The issues that really DO matter get tossed aside while a makeshift talent show causes an uproar.
Later, gators.
I apologize for offending the Clay fans and apparently the Kelly haters. My point was that I believe those that American Idol rejects turn out to have far better careers than American Idol could have ever offered them.
I guess that's truly America, though. The issues that really DO matter get tossed aside while a makeshift talent show causes an uproar.
Later, gators.
American Idol...a talent competition. Really?
Can I just be the first to say that I have never been a big fan of American Idol. I do have reasoning to back myself up, though.

Number one...Kelly Clarkson has been the ONLY winner to go on and actually do something. Clay Aiken had sort of made a career for himself, only to quickly squash the career when he squashed Kelly Ripa's mouth. Clay Aiken, however, was not even a winner. He was runner-up to Ruben Studdard. Have we seen Ruben Studdard? Nope. Fantasia Barrino? Nah. Carrie Underwood? Kind of, but only in the country world and she's even died down there. And finally we come to Taylor Hicks. And once again we come to another nope. So where are all the winners? Yes, they're in America, but are they Idols? Not by a long stretch.
Number two...I take issue with any show that just gives people careers that others have been working a lifetime to achieve. DO NOT even get me started on that damn show that is giving someone the lead in a Broadway musical. The thought of it makes me fume from the ears. Though these people may want to be singers and it may be their dream, they didn't achieve it the way that they should have. The way that everyone else is forced to. They were told by a guy who over-uses the word "dawg", a has been pop singer trying a bit too hard to stay young, and a pompous British guy with a tendency to show more chest hair than any of us wish to see, that they are good singers. Once they pass that hurdle they face 13 year olds who stay up until 2 in the morning voting for the one they think is cute 677 times. Which brings me to my final point.
Number Three...I think in the beginning American Idol was a talent competition. In fact, I love Kelly Clarkson and I think she's an incredibly talented woman. When season two rolled around they had an AMAZING singer by the name of Frenchie Davis.
They kicked her off the show because of pictures of her topless that had surfaced even though she had admitted from the beginning that the pictures were out there. Regardless of her honesty she was kicked off. Frenchie has since gone on to star in RENT and has a career far greater than it seems Ruben will ever have. So, I must laugh at little at AI's stupidity.
Anyway, back to my point. This season, a girl who quite frankly couldn't sing a damn note (and I am not just saying that. I am pretty sure my cat could belt it out better than this broad) was found in some nude pictures online too. And she had NOT been up front about it. So why then was Frenchie Davis, an amazing, talented, full figured woman kicked off of American Idol but an untalented, tone deaf, skinny girl allowed to stay on?
Thankfully, Antonella Barba has since been kicked off because of the fact that she, seriously, sings entire songs almost an entire half step below where she should be. It's like nails on a chalkboard. And though I am happy that she is gone, it does not make me feel any better about what American Idol truly stands for. Has what was once aimed at being a competition for elite singers turned into a place for untalented bimbos to gain recognition? I don't know. Perhaps that's for America to decide. I, however, will be watching those that American Idol rejects. The Frenchie Davis' & the Jennifer Hudsons of the world that go on to do greater things than American Idol ever did for them. They should be proud that Simon's constant remarks about their weight didn't deter them and that now as he sits next to Paula Abdul judging people that will go nowhere in their careers, they are getting standing ovations on the Broadway stage, on the Oscar stage, on the stage that America is really watching.
Later, gators.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
it's progress!
I bought a book today. It's by Jodi Picoult. I'd never heard of her before I saw her newest novel featured in People magazine. Her newest sounded really great so I went to the bookstore today in search of it and 0nly found it in hardcover and I didn't want to spend 27 dollars on a book so I went to see if she had any other books. To my delight she had 14 other novels!! After reading the blurbs to most of them, I picked one called Perfect Match. All of them seemed like they'd be great though so I think I'll read the rest of them while I wait for her newest, Nineteen Minutes, to be sold in paperback. I always like to find a good book.
Alright, a good SVU is on so I'm going to watch that.
Later, gators!!!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Vacation...not all I ever wanted.
I am so bored!! I am glad to be on vacation for the facts that I can sleep in and I don't have to worry about school work, but other than those things, I think I would rather be back at school. Lounging around the house all day isn't my idea of a good time. Although, I do really enjoy being able to watch The View every day. I have classes at 11 every day so I can never watch it. So, it's a nice treat to be able to watch it while I'm home.

Oh, Rosie..gotta love her. I was a huge fan of her show back in the 90's and I still love her. I agree with most everything she says, but I sometimes think she is way too in your face about it. BUT it's her own perogative to express her views however she feels fit.

Here are my opinions on all of the hosts:
Elisabeth Hasselbeck:
I don't agree with most anything Elisabeth says, but she has a certain charm that makes me like her. She has Conservative views, but she's not in your face about it (as much as Rosie is with her liberal views, anyway) so I can respect that and she's super pretty.
Joy Behar:
I LOVE HER. I agree with most everything she says and she's soooooo funny.
Rosie O'Donnell:
Oh, Rosie..gotta love her. I was a huge fan of her show back in the 90's and I still love her. I agree with most everything she says, but I sometimes think she is way too in your face about it. BUT it's her own perogative to express her views however she feels fit.
Barbara Walters:
She's not on the show much, so it's hard for me to have an opinion on her. I think she's fine when she's on the show. She's in a different age group than the other three women so I think it's hard for her to relate sometimes, but she's Barbara Walters nonetheless. :)
Alright...can you tell how bored I am!? Haha. :)
Later, gators!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
animated me!
You guys should all try it out. I'm going to make myself next. I'll post it when it's finished.
Later, gators.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
are you getting somewhere, or did you get lost in amsterdam?

I had to get up at 5:45 this morning. I was not impressed. So much for being on freakin' vaca. I had to get up that early because I had to come to mum's house and my dad wouldn't be able to take me until like 7 if he didn't take me this morning and I have an appointment I have to go to tonight. Sooo getting up that early was very icky. Alright, well The View is on and I LOVE THAT SHOW so I am going to go watch it. Later, gators!
Monday, March 5, 2007

Alright, well I am going to Mira-Su's parent's house in a bit so I can see their new chiwowa puppy. Should be cute!!!
Later, gators!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
go cony!
Cony Girls won the state championship game today! It was a good game against McCauley, but we never let them get ahead! I am proud of my alma mater! :) My brother's girlfriend, Heather, played really well. She's a guard so she is primarily in the game to play defense...and play defense she did! :) So congrats, ladies, on another victory!
Alright, I am going to go lounge around.
Later, gators!
Alright, I am going to go lounge around.
Later, gators!
Friday, March 2, 2007
you ain't never had a friend like me...

I am such a cat person. I mean don't get me wrong, I like dogs too. I love all animals, really...but cats are my pet of choice.
So anyways...tomorrow I am going to the Class A Girls Basketball State Championship with my family because Cony is in it! I hope they win!!
Alright, well I am going to go watch some TV.
Later, gators.
home, sweet home...
I am home!!! :) It's good to be home. Sara and I left school around 4:45ish yesterday, went out to eat at Uno's in Bangor, then headed for HOME! :)
It's like a freaking blizzard outside right now. Sucha bummer. There was a lovely little heat wave the past few days and now it's back to snow, snow, snow. Okay, well I'll write more later. I just wanted to let everyone know I am home for Spring Break! Though my first day of Spring Break feels anything but Springy. Oh well!
Later, gators.
It's like a freaking blizzard outside right now. Sucha bummer. There was a lovely little heat wave the past few days and now it's back to snow, snow, snow. Okay, well I'll write more later. I just wanted to let everyone know I am home for Spring Break! Though my first day of Spring Break feels anything but Springy. Oh well!
Later, gators.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Alright, I take back everything bad I said about snow earlier. :) Classes have already been called off for tomorrow, which means I am going home TONIGHT! Yay! They called them off so early because tomorrow would be the last day before vacation and with snow coming in they wanted to give everyone a chance to get home before we get stranded here so that's nice of the university. Alright, I am just really excited so I wanted to share my excitement. I've got to pack and stuff now though.
Later, gators!
Later, gators!
enough with the snow already...it's March!

On a happier note, this morning was the last morning I had to wake up at 7:10 before vacation. I don't have to get up that early again for another 19 days! Woooooo. I am so excited to sleep in during break. :o)
Alright, I've got Spanish class in a few.
Later, gators!
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