Monday, March 19, 2007

It's that time of the year again!

Jealousy does not even begin to describe how I am feeling about everyone who gets to be in Chizzle Wizzle this year. That pin is the one from last year. What a fabulous show we had last year. This year's theme is "Grande Opening" and I am über excited to see it on Friday. So a shout-out to the Ends and special shout-out and good luck to Miss Ariel Pelletier...the only returning End from last year, loveeee you! Oh, and of course a shout-out to my brother who will be in the chorus this year. :) OH and if you read the Chizzle Wizzle article I linked above, and you get down to the part that says "Last year, four of the six ends were girls." One of those 4 is me. Woot, woot! :) hehe.
I just really miss Chizzle Wizzle week...the jitters, the friendships, the fun, the booths, the directors, Gerry & his trio, the dance!!, everything. It's so much fun. It'll be interesting to be seeing it from a totally different perspective on Friday, but I am very excited. Alright, geology time.
Later, gators!


Anonymous said...

Awww. I am glad you will get to go down and see it. Buy some fudge and popcorn for me.

Anonymous said...

I am not going this year because you will always be what Chizzle Wizzle means to me. Maybe in a few years...

Anonymous said...

I think James meant to say to buy some tud and popcorn. Have a good time!