Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Oh, the dreaded night...

Well, tonight is the night that most everyone loathes on campus. REGISTRATION. For a week in the fall and a week in the spring the Starbucks on campus cheers while students groan about the inevitable late night they will suffer through. Let me explain the ever ingenious registration process:
For about a week there are 2 days per grade level when you are allowed to register for the next semester's classes. Seniors are allowed to register first, juniors second, and so on. Registration for first-year's (me) starts tomorrow, April 19. Because everyone is scrambling around to get into the classes they want (they fill up quickly especially since 3 groups of people are allowed to register before us) people begin registering for classes as soon as it is April 19, in other words at the strike of midnight tonight. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal, right? You stay up 'til midnight, take a couple minutes to register, and go to bed. HA! If only it were that easy. In all reality you stay up until midnight, take a couple HOURS to register, and go to bed. Now, you may be saying to me "hours, Sarah? c'mon, you're exaggerating..." No, my friend, I certainly am not. We register for classes on an online website called "WebDSIS". This website is usually my friend. It is houses pretty much everything I need to know about my school grades, my schedule, financial aid info, and other such things. BUT on registration night, DSIS is ANYTHING but a friend. Because 209830948209348 other first-years are attempting to log on at the same time, DSIS goes friggen crazy and on average you get an ERROR message for a good hour, then FINALLY it will let you in. After you finish you're happy dance and register for one class DSIS will go crazy again and log you off without warning. You then go through the hell of attempting to sign back in, only to receive the ERROR message, until around maybe 2:30 you are done registering and can slumber. It's a horrible, frustrating, idiotic process that needs to revisions, but that won't happen, because people complain about it ALL THE TIME and nothing gets changed. So, wish me luck...oh, and did I mention I have class at 8 tomorrow morning.....oyyy vey.
Later, gators.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems that the stress of registering for classes doesn't change. I'm glad you get to stay inside. We used to sleep overnight at our college hall, for me Shibles. If they were nice, they'd let us sleep in the hallway, but some were not nice and we'd spend the night outside. Thank goodness for friends and hot drinks. Good Luck!