Thursday, February 1, 2007


On January 30, my transgendered friend, Jeremiah was written about in an article pertaining to Cony's annual Diversity Day in the Kennebec Journal. It was a wonderful article written by Keith Edwards and I was thrilled to see it in the paper. Go here to see the article:

That same day, presumably after reading the KJ article, Michael Hein wrote the following article on the Christian Civic League's online Newsletter:

I was appalled when I read it. So, today I decided to put myself out there and write a letter to the editor of the KJ. I'll paste my letter in here. Please leave comments of what you think:

I have known Jeremiah Nazarkewycz since we were in 2nd grade. I saw first-hand his struggle to fit in. And when he finally had the courage to speak about being transgendered, The Christian Civic League wrote false and hurtful things about him in their newsletter. One article in particular, written by Michael Hein, is titled “Augusta School Teaches ‘Transgendering’”. Excuse me? You cannot teach “transgendering”. To imply that Jeremiah was somehow influencing youths to become a transgendered person is just ridiculous. As I said, I grew up with Jeremiah and never once did I, as a straight woman, think to myself “Well, jeez! Jeremiah is transgendered, I think I will be too!” You know why? Because that is completely impossible.
The CCL has a right to publish whatever they want, but to publish such falsities as that Jeremiah spoke to “freshmen (13 and 14-year-old[s])” on Diversity Day is just not right. Only juniors and seniors were allowed to attend Jeremiah’s session. They are making an avid attempt to make it seem as if Jeremiah was speaking to small children. When, in fact, he was speaking to young adults. Also, his session was COMEPLETELY optional. Students were not forced to go.
It saddens me that 17 and 18-year olds can accept Jeremiah, but grown men and women who agree with the CCL’s article can’t seem to wrap their mind around acceptance. I send kudos to Cony, kudos to Jeremiah, and a disappointed face to those who waste their time hating.

Until next time...later, gators.

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